Internships and service opportunities are formative experiences in which students can apply academic experiences to their professional development. These opportunities are building blocks for students to explore careers of interest, gain practical experience and develop marketable skills. With proper guidance, these experiences help students to think critically about their own preparedness for a career and to identify strategies that will advance their professional and personal development. 


This course will emphasize connecting Global Studies academic interests to fieldwork opportunities (internships and service learning). Students will work through a self-assessment of goals, skills and knowledge, and research internships/service opportunities that match their goals and strengths. Students will prepare application materials for specific opportunities, conduct informational interviews, participate in mock job interviews, explore networking strategies, and create a career narrative that represents their academic interests and skills. The course will also prepare students for what to expect with fieldwork experiences and how to develop and apply leadership skills, such as taking initiative and teamwork, during the field experience.


Required Text:

  • All Work, No Pay: Finding an Internship, Building Your Resume, Making Connections, and Gaining Job Experience by Lauren Berger
  • Articles as assigned