The modules developed by with EITP.

This course is meant to share an understanding of typical motor development at 1, 2, 3, and 4 months of age. At each age, you will see an infant examined in 5 different positions highlighting typical expectations for baby in relation to specific areas of the body, head, trunk, upper extremities, and lower extremities. The importance of placing a baby in each position and the goals of development in that position will also be explained. Additionally, the course will give you information to help guide you through your sessions, questions to ask, and tips on how to get the caregiver involved.


  • Learn typical motor development at 1, 2, 3, and 4 months of age
  • Recognize how to assess baby’s motor development in 5 positions
  • Understand the contributions of the head, trunk, pelvis alignment, and core control
  • Discover tips to help you complete your assessment
  • Learn general warning signs of atypical development

You must register and have an enrollment key to access this training. 

Register for any EITP online training at

This course is the second in our Infant Development: Alignment, Core, and Motor (IDACM) series. The purpose of this course is to give you a foundation for understanding infant regulation and how regulation can affect a baby’s ability to reach milestones. The course will help participants understand the role regulation plays in development starting from birth. A key component of this course is understanding the role caregivers play in helping to develop regulation, and much of the course will be focused on ways to help caregivers understand that role. The course will provide strategies you can use to help with regulation challenges when you are treating a baby.  


  • Learn the definition of regulation and why it is important
  • Understand how regulation develops and the role of co-regulation
  • Discover strategies to help detect a regulation issue
  • Learn strategies to help regulation develop

Audience: Early intervention professionals who regularly treat infants.

Tummy Time is crucial for developing core strength and meeting important milestones to make sure baby doesn’t miss out! In this training you will learn more about child development milestones and the importance of tummy time during development through the following:

  • Tummy Time facts and videos that help baby meet milestones
  • Fun and easy tips and games to do and share with families
  • Tummy Time abilities by age (weeks to months)
  • Ideas to help baby strengthen core muscles and make Tummy Time easier

What You'll Learn:

  • Discover how Tummy Time impacts a child’s milestones and progression.
  • How to do Tummy Time and keep baby engaged.
  • Factors that have contributed to a lack of Tummy Time.
  • What should Tummy Time abilities look like by age.
  • The best toys for Tummy Time, including how to use them.
  • How to play Tummy Time games with baby.
  • How Tummy Time can help prevent certain medical conditions.
  • How to incorporate Tummy Time into your daily routine.
  • Different ways to strengthen baby’s muscles to make Tummy Time easier.
  • How to get help if you continue to have Tummy Time questions and concerns.